Monday, February 04, 2008

The Illusion of the ‘Palestinian State’

Axis of Logic, Feb 4, 2008

By Ghali Hassan

In 1923, the Ukrainian-born Zionist and founder of Irgun terror network in Palestine, Ze’ev Jabotinsky wrote that Zionist colonization in the Middle East can only succeed if it is “protected by an Iron Wall”, designed to incarcerate and keeps the native Palestinian population out of their land. Today, more than ever, the Palestinian people are refusing to surrender and give up their history.

For decades, Western leaders – led by the Americans –, and pro-Israel Western media have promoted the idea of a ‘Palestinian State’ for Palestinians to claim it as their homeland. It has become a euphemism for never-to-be a Palestinian state. What is misleading about this idea of a ‘Palestinian State’ is it provides people in the West – including those who pretend to support the Palestinians – with an illusionary hope, while at the same time it covers Israel’s war crimes and Israel’s illegal annexation and colonization of Palestinian land and water resources.

Continued . . .

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