Sunday, March 23, 2008

Jewish anti-Semitism against Islam is a real problem

Desert Peace, March 22, 2008 at 9:06 pm (Associate Post, Israel, Palestine)

By Khalid Amayreh

Israel and powerful Zionist circles in Europe and North America have been seeking of late to spread the message that criticizing Israel and her brutal policies and actions in occupied Palestine borders on anti-Semitism.

The ultimate purpose of this campaign is obviously to silence critics of Israel in order to allow the racist entity to murder Palestinians as quietly as possible and to steal their land as quietly as possible, and to get away with impunity.

Meanwhile, Israeli and Zionist hasbara doctors from Sydney to Los Angels are wasting no time inciting hatred against Islam and Muslims.

It is not difficult to figure out what these self-worshiping Zionists are up to. They simply want to demonize Muslims as much as it takes to prompt the Zionist-controlled American government to invade Muslim countries and murder millions of innocent people.

Demonizing a given racial or religious community is after all the penultimate step before extermination. one can safely argue that Auschwitz and Bergen Belsen and Treblinka wouldn’t have occurred if the decade-long anti-Jewish hysteria, including the publication and wide dissemination of a book by Adolph Hitler titled “My struggle,” had not taken place.

Today Zionist Jews are doing exactly what their Nazi mentors had done in the 1930s, with Arabs and Muslims being the target.

In Israel itself, the writing is on the wall: Arabs to the ovens! We will inflict on them a greater holocaust! Don’t spare their children! Don’t rent houses to the Arabs! Don’t buy from them or sell them!

And in North America, parts of Europe and Australia, the message is too clear and equally ugly: Kill the Muslims , kill the Arabs, kill the “terrorists”, the Muslims are coming, they are taking over Europe, the Judeo-Christian civilization is facing a mortal danger at the hands of the Islamofascists!!

Continued . . .

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