Sunday, September 09, 2007

'We are the majority'

Green Left
Pip Hinman
8 September 2007

The following speech was delivered by Pip Hinman, a member of Sydney’s Stop the War Coalition and the Socialist Alliance, to the September 8 “Stop Bush” protest in Sydney.

The other night on Lateline on the ABC, US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice was trying to justify her government’s war of occupation in Iraq.

The people in Iraq, she said, just want they same things that we want. They want peace, security and freedom. Just like we do.

That was her argument for the US occupation of Iraq.

But it has been the US government and the governments of other rich robber nations that have been denying the people of Iraq, and others in the Middle East, peace, security and freedom for more than a century.

More . . .

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