Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Benazir Bhutto calls on Musharraf to step down

The Telegraph, November 13, 2007

By Isambard Wilkinson, Pakistan Crrespondent

President Pervez Musharraf was under intense pressure to stand down this morning after Pakistani opposition leader Benazir Bhutto called for his resignation.

  • Gen Musharraf told to lift emergency rule
  • Ms Bhutto, the former prime minister currently under house arrest, accused Gen Musharraf of “maintaining and sustaining a dictatorship”.

    Armed guards outside Bhutto's home
    Police block the road to Bhutto's home

    It marked an increase in hostility between the rivals, who until just days ago spoke on the phone trying to hammer out a power sharing deal, a solution backed by the United States.

    Speaking on BBC Radio 4's Today programme, however, Ms Bhutto for the first time seemed to ruled out that option.

    She said: “There are no circumstances under which I could see myself serving with General Musharraf.

    “I tried for more than a year. I did my best.”

    Ms Bhutto said Gen Musharraf had "lost the confidence of the people of Pakistan" and called on the UK for help.

    She said: “Ask General Musharraf to step down.

    “As long as General Musharraf is there, the turmoil in Pakistan will continue.”

    Continued . . .

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