"It is necessarily a racist ideology if you think about it, but most people aren't allowed to think about it thanks to powerful Zionist repression. Typically, when you gain such a state through violence and illegal means, you then have to make it seem legitimate..the best way of doing that is to claim that you are conquering an inferior people who weren't entitled to full human rights, or who are barbarians, who are not civilized, or who are terrorists by nature...it involves imposing a kind of degraded human nature to the people you are displacing and conquering, and that's the essence of racism. Racism plays out in the entire history of the state of Israel, which entails a continuous project of ethic cleansing..." The following is an interview between Revolution Magazine and Dr. Joel Kovel, the author of, “Overcoming Zionism,” which created a censorship struggle when the University of Michigan Press temporarily banned its distribution. Continued . . .
Salaam & shalom,
I wonder if I got my facts straightened out for this:
It's about statistics on the expulsion of the Jews from the Moslim and European ("semi-Christian", so to say) countries. It is STATISTICS, not Zionism.
Be blessed,
Pauli Ojala
Wa-alaikum Salaam / Shalom
Your comment is published.
The circumstances under which some Jews left other countries after the establsihment of Israel and the expulsion of Palestinians from their homeland by the Zionists should be available to you from some good impartial sources and I am sure you will be able to find your way around the question.
However, those impartial scholars and writers who know the history of Zionism will help you to understand the difference between Zionism and Judaism. You are welcome to voice your views here as long as you do it in a spirit of understanding and respect for truth.
I stand for the human rights of all people and their legitimate interests whether thy are Jews, Muslims, Christians or believers of other faiths or idelogies.
"Rauhaa" is salaam and shalom in the nearly extinct Finnish language. 1000 years ago in Russia, the Finnish tribes constitute da majority. Now most of the Finnish language groups are dying in extinction and withering away, due to the persecution what happened in the 20th century in the Soviet system. The Finns were the "tsushna", the native and ridiculed "bushmen" of the Russia.
What is most interesting is that the oil discoveries in the Russian territory are mostly found from the Finnish speaking geographical locations.
But you don't see Hollywood Indian movies regarding the extinguishing of the Finnish tribes in the Soviet system. Also in the Europe, the Finns were mocked as the only "yellow" race of the Europe. We were even digged up from our graves when we finally got our rest, to be used in skull volume and shape investigations in "crenology".
So you should comprehend what does the concept of MEDIA WAR mean! Some annihilated tribes are not remembered:
Already in his Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte, admired by Darwin in the introduction to
his Descent of Man, Haeckel had classified Finns as Mongolians or peoples who resembled them.
Finland was a country located at the bloody northern borders of the east and west. Were the
Finno-Ugrian people capable of establishing a state? Consult figure 9 for the place of Finns as the
degenerate "Mongolian" race in the Europe, in the linear Haeckelian evolution.
In his popular Wonders of Life, Haeckel categorized Finns as "middle civilized race" which
had 7 races below them and four races above them. Of the twelve races, these latter four were
"higher civilized races", "lower cultured races", "middle cultured races" and "higher cultured
races". Above us Finns were the fifteenth century Italians, French, English, and Germans.
Haeckel's evolutionary tree of the indoeuropean languages, naturally, did not include the Finns
(figure 10).
And Haeckel declared: "The views on the subject of European nations which have large colonies in the
tropics, and have been in touch with the natives for centuries, are very realistic, and quite different from the ideas that
prevail in Germany. Our idealistic notions, strictly regulated by our academic wisdom and forced by our
metaphysicians into the system of their abstract ideal-man, do not at all tally with the facts. Hence we can explain
many of the errors of the idealistic philosophy and many of the practical mistakes that have been made in the recently
acquired German colonies; these would have been avoided if we had had a better knowledge of the low psychic life of
the natives (cf. the writings of Gobineau and Lubbock)." (The wonders of life, 1905, p. 390-1).
Let us quote this Goubineau, recommended by the scientifically more correct Haeckel, on
Finns, then: "creatures so incontrovertibly ugly and repulsive as the ordinary specimens of the Mongolian race…
These are all people of low stature, with wide faces and prominent cheek-bones, yellowish or dirty brown in colous---
The Finns have always been weak, unintelligent, and oppressed---in the south through miscegenation with the
Negroes and in the north with the Finns." (Gobineau, Inequality of Races (1853-55, 1967).
So we Finns were at the same boat in the race hygiene. Chaim Weizmann and Emir Feisal were companions and emphasized the racial relations and community between the Jews and the Arabs, in contrast to the European elitist thinking even officially in the Versailles treaty. WHAT THE EUROPEAN (and US, later on) COLONIALISM HATED MOST, was the business collaboration between the Jews and Arabs. They did EVERYTHING to knock down the close and friendly associations between those "cousins". Wahhabites to lead Arabia. Yasser Arafat's uncle to serve as the great mufti of Jerusalem, the most pathological hater of the Jews the could found.
When ever talkin about "Zionism", we all are having to do with rough statistics.
Jews have been expelled from every beloved country of the Europe, at least:
In the past, they seeked refuge from the countries under Islam, actually. The key to understand the Moslim golden age is the fact that they had a female professor in their uiversities 500 years before Europe. In Jewish homes Proverbs chapter 31, the praise of the diligent wife, has been read aloud for 2500 years every Sabbath. That is the great blessing the Jewish Scriptures bestowed to both Christianity and Islam. But later on Islam forsake the esteem of their women. To Abram it was said: Listen to your wife Sarai IN EVERYTHING!
Pauli Ojala
I will quote from here again:
PAY ATTENTION that it is USA that profits from Israel, rather than the opposite. Israel gets nearly 2 billion euros from USA almost every year, that is true. But. US demands that Israel is not allowed to stop BRAIN DRAIN from Eretz israel to USA. Before the Second Intifada, there were 200 Israeli companies listed in the US High Tech Nasdaq, after the Intifaca the count had dropped to 70. At the moment, the number is back in 100, which is still greater than from all the European countries combined.
Dollars are green since the yankees pull the down from the tree when still raw and fresh. Israel has not been allowed to let any of its companies to be scaled up in their homeland but most are imported straight from the garage. The scaling up of industrial production would mean jobs, to both Jews, Arabs and other ethnic groups. Israel is ordered to stay as some kind of innovation laboratory only, as the 51. state. Astonishing number of 25% of the Israeli researchers have moved from Israel to the United States - and this figure does not yet even include the people with double citizenship! The next largest brain drain of researchers to US are 12.2% from Canada, 4.3% from Netherlands, and 4.2% from Italy.
One of the secrets of innovative success in Israel is the fact that cheating is minimized in the public funding: Money is not delivered according to research plans but steady income and thus the market analysis is emphasized. The support is designed so that the first 2-10 years a startup company does not have to pay taxes. But no direct funding without compensation is offered.
Today, Israel draws Venture Capital (VC) more than the Europe. A novel phenomenon is the strategy by which Israel has been able to claim victory over China and other Far-East countries regarding the most modern High Tech factories: As an example, the supranational Intel transferred the mass production of Centricon-processors to Israel, where 25% of citizens possess a higher decree from the university but where people respect patents and are not plagiating every item they produce for others. (China is a great country of thieves. The Empire of Pirates steals every moving article in your machine.) Intel was also offered an overall tax rate of 10%, which is about three times lower than that of US. Also, the biggest generic drug factory in the world was recently established in Israel. Over half of the export from Israel are High tech products, compared to the 25% which is the average in the OECD countries.
Although the export of the agriculture has remained constant past the last 30 years, its relative amount has dropped from 70% to 3%. Out of the 3000 companies in Israel 80% are less than ten years old, and the average failure rate of these start ups is very low, less than 50%. In biotechnology and drug development, about 400 experimental drugs have been approved or accepted in clinical phases. The greatest portion of funding of research per capita is found in Israel. Israel also has the greatest ratio of researchers per square meter or population in the face of the world, far exceeding I.e. Japan which was also raised by plagiation and copying of other peoples ideas after the WWII: http://www.helsinki.fi/~pjojala/Indicator.html
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