Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Pavement is home for angry Egyptian protesters

Middle East Online, First Published 2010-05-04

Some of them have gone unpaid for four months

Dozens of civil servants, labourers have been camping outside parliament for weeks demanding better working conditions.

By Mona Salem – CAIRO

Mervat Rifai, a 34-year-old mother of three, has like dozens of other civil servants and labourers been camping outside Egypt’s parliament building for weeks demanding better working conditions.

She, like her fellow campers who have made the pavement their home, is determined not to leave until her voice is heard.

Rifai left her children with family and neighbours in her small town in the Nile Delta governorate of Beheira to join the sit-in.

“They totally ignore our claims. But we will stay here, because after all this I refuse to go home empty handed,” said Rifai, who works for an organisation affiliated to the agriculture ministry.

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