Saturday, January 08, 2011

Afghanistan is open for business

Canadian activist Michael Skinner looks at how the Western corporate interests are profiting off the occupation of Afghanistan.
Socialist Worker, January 7, 2011

Leaders of Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India meeting to discuss the TAPI pipeline
Leaders of Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India meeting to discuss the TAPI pipeline

MANY OF the Canadian military, police and civilian personnel who risk their lives in Afghanistan truly believe they are fighting a just war of good against evil. But America’s and Britain’s claims that the unsanctioned unilateral invasion of Afghanistan, which began the global war on terror, was justified by the terrorist attacks of 9/11 are as credible as claims the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand by a Serbian terrorist justified Austria-Hungary’s declaration of war against Serbia to begin the First World War.

It is time to look beyond faith in baseless beliefs to investigate facts. What interests are at stake in Afghanistan?

Continues >>

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