Thursday, January 23, 2014

Some Remarks On Belief In God

Nasir Khan,  January 23, 2014

[The following remarks are part of the discussion that started on Facebook with a quotation of English philosopher, Bertrand Russell.]

First of all, there are many people who believe god, devil, angels, etc., are not mere fantastic ideas but they really exist. One proof: they are mentioned in some holy books. And in some holy books god is reported to have spoken to his selected few. The holy books that are revealed are from god; therefore they represent the obvious truth which no one can or should find fault with. In fact, the believers in god have internalised such a mode of thinking that any critical look at it is regarded as wrong and a result of mental confusion. At the same time, the term ‘god’ means different things to different people. But the idea of god entails some sort of belief in a ‘supernatural being’ or ‘power’. In monotheistic religions, starting with Judaism, many deities were finally reduced to only one god (this is despite Akhenaton’s early attempt to introduce Aton as the sole god but the project collapsed after his death).

Secondly, the believers in god have offered some well-known arguments in support of the existence of god. At present, I’ll only briefly mention their names: the ontological argument, the causal argument, the argument from contingency, the teleological argument or argument by design, the argument from religious experience, the argument from miracles and the utility argument. These arguments have been subjected to a closer look by philosophers. None of these has stood the test of analytical scrutiny. All of them have been refuted and put aside.


Konrad Hauer said...

When one knows God and the spirit world are a reality, no argument is needed.All reality is subjective, not objective.And some, even w/ scientific proof would refute that ultimate reality.

Konrad Hauer said...

Mr.Nasir Khan,
please watch the documentary " I Am' on Netflix or Youtube. A contemporary view on human reality.
Marx's understanding was based on Newtonian Physic's understanding the material world, Quantum Physics deals w/ Metaphysics and the Supernatural reality, again scientist theoretically and experimentally enlarge our understanding. Religion/ Philosophies and Science are bedfellows to put the pieces of the puzzle together. Yes there is more than meets the eye, - objective reality.

Konrad Hauer

Nasir Khan said...

Dear Mr Hauer, I appreciate your information about the commentary, which I hope to see. As I see it Marx's views on god or supernatural beings are not based on his understanding of physics as such but are grounded in his philosophical understsanding of this old problem. As we all know Marx was a philosopher, not a physicist.I may write a bit more on this theme at some later date. But for the time being, I am posting a comment of mine I wrote a few days ago:

The God Problematique

To assert as some do that science does not prove god does not exist is a questionable proposition. There seems to be much linguistic confusion around this. How can science with its instruments see or peep into a being that has no body, no weight, no shape, no mind, - in short, no attributes of an entity, in any form or shape, that human beings can understand? To use Ockham's razor to help us along, we may say instead that the whole idea of such a 'being' defies common sense. Yet people cling on to such a nonsensical 'ghost in the machine', the god in the known universe. However, to imagine a god 'existing' in an imaginary universe is possible! Perhaps here lies the solution to the problem that takes into account conflicting views.