Monday, July 01, 2024

Oppose genocide and imperialist war!

Demonstrate in Washington D.C. · July 24 On July 24th, Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu will address a joint session of the U.S. Congress, invited by Democratic and Republican leaders. Netanyahu is prosecuting genocidal war resulting in over 40,000 Palestinian deaths, mostly women and children. He is being welcomed not in spite of, but because of these crimes. As a political agent of U.S. imperialism, his speech will serve as a progress report on how this war advances American capitalist interests globally. On the same day, thousands will demonstrate in Washington against this war. The Socialist Equality Party, International Youth and Students for Social Equality, and International Workers Alliance of Rank-and-File Committees call for widespread participation in this protest. This demonstration aims to ignite a mass movement against the Gaza genocide and U.S. imperialism, rejecting any illusion that Congress might change its policies. Instead, it seeks a new political orientation and strategy. Following the demonstration, there will be a meeting to assess the events of the day and discuss and elaborate the socialist strategy to advance the fight against genocide and war. The Gaza genocide is part of a broader global conflict instigated by U.S. imperialism, threatening nuclear escalation. The same governments supplying Israel are also intensifying proxy wars, including the US-NATO war against Russia in Ukraine, and escalating tensions with China. Recognizing this interconnected imperialist aggression is crucial for developing a powerful mass movement against war, genocide, and fascism. The demonstration and meeting are based on three strategic principles: The struggle against war requires an unconditional break from the Democratic and Republican parties, establishing the political independence of the working class. The movement against genocide and war must be international, uniting workers globally based on their common class interests. The fight against war must be anti-capitalist and socialist, targeting the economic system that fundamentally causes war. Join the demonstration and meeting in Washington, D.C. on July 24th! Mobilize your co-workers, friends, and communities. Distribute this message widely. Stop the genocide and declare war on war.

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