Monday, August 05, 2024

Tens of thousands march across Britain demanding an end to arms sales to Israel

 Peter Lazenby, Morning Star, August 4, 2024

People take part in the National march for Palestine in central London organised by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, August 3, 2024

TENS of thousands of Palestine supporters marched in towns and cities across Britain on Saturday in defiance of threats of continuing far-right violence.

In London an estimated 100,000 marched as the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) staged its 17th national demonstration in the capital since Israel began its invasion of Gaza in October last year.

Hundreds turned out in Manchester marking the 300th day of Israel’s genocide in which more than 40,000 Palestinians have been killed including 20,000 children.

Norma Turner, chair of Greater Manchester Friends of Palestine which brings together a dozen Palestine campaign groups in north-west England, said: “Three hundred days — 60 children killed by Israel every day — and we demand our government stops arming Israel.

“We grieve for three children randomly killed in Southport.

“We condemn the fascist thugs trying to cause discord on the back of people’s grief. And we mourn the 40,000 martyrs in Gaza — we will continue to protest and take action until Palestine is free.”

In London PSC coupled its demands for a ceasefire in Gaza and an end to British arms sales to Israel with an appeal for funds to maintain the protests nationwide.

“Saturday’s march cost us over £40,000 to organise. We need to raise more funds to meet this cost and escalate our campaign to end Israel’s genocide in Gaza and system of apartheid across Palestine,” the group said.

PSC also highlighted Israel’s shocking treatment of more than 10,000 Palestinian political prisoners held in its jails.

“Since October Israel has rounded up, detained, stopped and tortured thousands of Palestinians, over 10,000 held in the West Bank alone,” said PSC.

“Last week the UN produced a report which documented the systemic torture and abuse, including rape, of these detainees.

“We also saw a member of the Israeli Knesset claiming that Israeli forces were entitled to use rape against Palestinian detainees and that no action should be taken against those who do. This is the true face of Israel’s genocidal regime.”

PSC will draw up plans to step up its Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign against Israel at a conference in Westminster Central Hall on Saturday August 10.

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